There was some desire to move conversation to the blog and out of our inboxes. Historically, this has been enough to kill the discussion, but let's try anyway.
I'll start with an alumni update...

The Alumni Network must choose a YAC Liason. The position requires participation during alumni conference calls and actions as well as being an active conduit for the exchange of ideas between the two groups. While all YAC members are asked to keep the alumni in mind, it will be the liason's charge to forge concrete opportunities for collaboration.
Eligible candidates are continuing YAC members. Apply by sending (to Kyle by July 4th) a few persuasive sentences about your vision for alumni involvement and the role for the liason in this process. The active alumni network will vote on the responses and pick two candidates for the formal position.

Since most of us will be on DC during the World Conference, we should arrange a Legacy activist meetup to all connect! I don't know much about DC nightlife, but I'm told
Club 9:30 is 18+... Anyone have ideas for dates/times/places?
"Everything you touch turns into gold when I'm away."