Happy Retirement!

Now is the time to have a conversation about how we're going to handle our retirement from Legacy. Are we going to lay braindead and connected with an IV? Meet monthly in the basement messhall of the community center to chat about the weather? Crochet kleenex holders for our younger and more agile counterparts? Get collagen implants and crash the afterbar? Marry hookers and move to vegas?
1) Who are we?
2) Why does Legacy need us?
3) How can we continue help Legacy?
4) What do we want to do?
5) What do we want from Legacy?
6) What do we need to put this plan into action?
7) Other?
I like Rachi's idea that this be the informal brainstorming to inspire a more formal plan representing our view on the direction of the "existing" Legacy Alumni Network (damn, we are strategic plan whores).
Post here and post often... at least once by next week Friday!
(I'm working on getting updates sent out to everyone).
hm. perhaps this is not the appropriate forum.
How's it going? Not quite sure what is going on with everyone. Maybe life is busy?
I've been formulating some thoughts for the past week or so but just haven't been able to post (accessing blogs from work is a big no-no). I'm planning on having something up by later on today.
But, I had a similar experience a couple of years back when I put a lot of time and energy into creating a yahoo group with pictures, links and message/chat capabilities....and half the group didn't even join, let alone participate. I don't get it. It seems like a slam-dunk great way to keep in touch and get things done across the miles. Well....at least I'm with you, dude :)
Come on everybody! Where are you???
i don't really know how else to keep in touch. because email certainly doesn't work and the conference calls are lecture-style and not efficient for brainstorming. i think this is where a real quality website really would have come in handy in facilitating the communication.
I love it! ...
I'm sad it didnt work out... I think it should stay for a bit!
ty <3 web 2.0
k, I think I've figured this out. Thanx for setting it up Kyle!
So...ideas for the Alumni network...well. I hope for a few things:
1. maybe we could have a mentor/mentee type relationship with the new ppl to help them out as well as help keep our relationship with Legacy.
2. I hope that we could be invited to the Legacy events (even if they cant fund us anymore) like the mini-10K walk, the receptions legacy has at conferences, etc.
3. Get updates from the new board on what legacy has done
k, those are just a few things that I thought of off the top of my head, but I thought that this might start discussion...
love u all :)
ah, comments. yes!
As mentioned on the conference call, post alumni ideas here or send to April for compilation.
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