Monday, January 16, 2006

Phone Tree

Get a call, make a call... hopefully this will be an additional outlet to make sure that everyone knows there is a conference call and secondly a way for additional people to know that someone will not be attending the call and perhaps to get some input from that person.

A: Rachi –> Anthony –> Patrick –> Adrian
: Katy –> Amanda –> Andrea –> Ty
C: April –> Kyle –> Thania –> Gustavo > Seth

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hello? Is this thing on?

This can serve as a temporary web presence for the American Legacy Foundation's youth activists. It is a group blog with no file hosting, but information can be easily linked [ie ALF website]. This could be a tool to announce and discuss relevant information with the group. Comments can be made to each post only by members of the blog (or it can be opened to the public). We need to have a discussion about the danger of this being posted online and therefore accessible to anyone.

I'm still interested in exploring room in the ALF Youth Activism budget to accomodate a webtool with other vital features (file hosting, simultaneous public and members-only pages, an online updateable calendar, chatting device, etc).

What do you think? Leave a comment.